How Women Show Up, Grow, and Ultimately Succeed in the Workforce
About 47% of people who work for corporations in America are women. Here at YourCause 57% of our employees identify as women. On Wednesday, June 14th, our Women of YourCause ERG had the opportunity to hear from the Vice President of Global Philanthropy and Sustainability at Fossil, Janiece Evans-Page. She not only has had major roles in companies like AT&T and HP but is also a wife and mother of two. She strongly believes in the ideas of not being average, being a lifelong learner, and growing in your personal and professional lives. During our time of conversation, she focused on three main ideas- showing up, growing, and succeeding; as well as how we, as women in the workforce, are able to live those ideas out on a day-to-day basis.
Janiece Evans-Page, VP of Global Philanthropy & Sustainability at Fossil

Showing Up
Yes, ‘showing up’ carries the literal meaning of being somewhere, at a certain time, when you are supposed to be there, but it is so much more. Janiece describes it as the mindset you have when entering a situation. It is being fully present during that time and giving it your all. It’s knowing what is important, creating a path or a schedule to what is important to you and then making time for it.
From the time you start your first “adult” job after college, to when you’ve had multiple positions and been a part of numerous corporations, you expect to learn a lot. You learn how to assimilate into a new company’s culture or learn what to expect walking into a new job. Janiece encouraged the group to grow in proactivity. No one can read your mind, so make it known that you need help or want to learn something new. As a recent graduate from college myself, I personally found this information so helpful. It’s important to take advantage of not only the opportunities that are presented but the people around you. When you are learning a new system or technique, initiate a conversation. Ask for feedback – honest feedback – because those conversations are when you will see growth. Don’t get comfortable. Rather continue to ask those questions with each opportunity that presents itself.
Janiece Evans-Page being introduced to the Women of YourCause ERG by Odessa Jenkins, Vice President of Client Services, before she spoke to the group on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018.

When listening to a woman like Janiece, it’s easy to see success. She has been a part of several corporations, held many respected positions, and is a very confident woman. But when asked, success is not a position you hold or how much money you make. Success is about the person you are. One of the first questions Janiece received from the women of YourCause was, “How are you able to find your success?” She simply responded, “authenticity equals success. Be genuine in meeting people where they are, show them respect, and value their differences.”
Along with caring for others, she stressed the importance of caring for yourself. She had us ask ourselves questions like ‘how do you get recharged?’ and ‘what do you need to prioritize in your personal life in order to make sure you show up in your professional life?’ Then she told us to find those things and make time for them in our lives. Finally, she spoke about finding your voice, being respectful and being unapologetic about certain characteristics you have. All of these things go hand-in-hand with finding your confidence and using that strength to help you succeed.
It’s important to be present and give your all in every situation. Continuing to learn and grow with every change in your life is a quality that will not only help you succeed but will set you apart from others. There is always room for growth, so have confidence and take initiative to do that. As cheesy as it may sound, “ultimately you must believe in yourself if you expect others to as well,” so believe in yourself, leave an impact and set the stage for those to follow.
To learn more about Janiece and the programs at Fossil, visit their website.